Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rear Projection Bent Convergence Line

5 most desired iPhone features: Integrated IR iPhone

This book collects the most desirable features for the next 5 iPhone, and not found in the fourth version of the iPhone by to inform you about it and compare, maybe even yours. Today, in this first article, we speak of tramissione IR (infrared), this so far on the iPhone only through a separately sold accessory, and not so comfortable.

Imagine being able to use your iPhone with all IR devices in the home: point it at the TV, then, and change channels, or to the Hi-Fi to scroll through tracks, or even to communicate with your notebook quickly and easily. only need a receiver / transmitter IR why all this is possible. We'll see about 5 iPhone? The odds, in fact, are not very high.

Next year we will be already the fifth version of the iPhone by, and the house of Cupertino has never deigned to implement anything like this in its devices. Why do it now, then? Apple, then, as we know, is not particularly prone to communication between iPhone and other devices, so we lose almost all hope of a possible implementation of similar functionality.

Ability: 5%


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